Kerala’s Kochi green hydrogen valley project is estimated to be set up with total capex investments of Rs 18,542 crore, out of which Rs 4,166 crore will be spent on electrolyser and ammonia plants, and Rs 12,687 crore on renewable
About Rs 669 crore will be required for pilots and an additional Rs 5,130 crore in the scale-up phase, excluding investments in RE, according to the Kochi Green Hydrogen Valley Roadmap
The project is estimated to require Rs 731 crore funding from the government – Rs 45 crore to support techno-commercial assessments, Rs 351 crore for transmission infrastructure, Rs 264 crore for pipeline and refueling infrastructure, and Rs 70 crore for offtake infrastructure.
The document noted that the total green hydrogen subsidy needed to bridge the viability gap ranges as Rs 1,055 and Rs 2,908 crores in phase-II and phase-III respectively.
The investments required in hydrogen production, infrastructure development for hydrogen and ammonia, and transmission grid is pegged at Rs 56 crore, Rs 669 crore and Rs 5,130 crore in the three phases additionally.
Capex required for the development of renewable energy for the project is Rs 903 crore in phase-I and Rs 836 crore in Phase-II – for these two phases RE can be developed in Kerala or imported from India RE sites – and Rs 10,948 crore for phase-III additions with India RE resources.
Phase-1 from 2024-25 includes the preparation of green hydrogen clusters, phase-2 from 2026-2030 involves the deployment of technologies for green hydrogen, and phase-3 from 2030-2040 includes the upscaling of the use of green hydrogen in industry.