18 Mar 2024
First Hydrogen, a frontrunner in hydrogen-powered vehicles, has just aced a crucial trial with Wales & West Utilities (WWU)!
Their hydrogen fuel cell vehicle (FCEV) clocked its highest ever mileage, proving its potential for real-world use.
Here's Why This Trial is a Big Deal:
Mileage Marathon: The FCEV surpassed expectations, covering a whopping 1,200 miles over four weeks!
Cold Shoulder to Challenges: The vehicle performed admirably in chilly Welsh conditions, traveling up to 117 miles per day on various terrains, even at highway speeds.
Power Surge: The FCEV exceeded 60 kW during acceleration tests, demonstrating impressive power output.
Zero Drop-Off: Importantly, there were no performance or range dips in colder temperatures, highlighting the vehicle's reliability.
Real-World Ready:
Driver Feedback is In: WWU's Network Emergency and Metering Services team put the FCEV through its paces, averaging six daily customer visits.
Fast Refueling Wins: One driver, Alun Jones, praised the rapid refueling compared to overnight charging, a major benefit for emergency response teams.
Efficiency Edge: Jones sees hydrogen vans as a perfect fit for WWU's needs, thanks to their exceptional efficiency.
Data Drives Innovation:
Learning from the Road: First Hydrogen's Executive Director, Steve Gill, emphasized the valuable vehicle data collected during the trial.
Optimizing Performance: This data will provide insights into driving styles and allow for further improvements in fuel consumption and overall efficiency.
Total Cost Advantage: The data also enables First Hydrogen to model Total Cost of Operations (TCO), a critical factor for fleet operators considering a switch to hydrogen fuel.
The successful Wales trial is a major win for First Hydrogen. By showcasing the vehicle's impressive mileage, performance, and real-world practicality, they've taken a significant step towards making hydrogen-powered transportation a reality.