If you fail to plan, You Plan to fail!!
"If Fail to plan, You plan to fail." These words hold a profound truth when it comes to achieving success. Without proper planning, our endeavors are left vulnerable to obstacles and missed opportunities. In this blog, we'll also delve into the history of fuel, the significance of embracing green, clean fuel, and the importance of gaining clean fuel sources for a sustainable future.
Many thousands of years ago, Our ancestors knew how to produce fire. They used it for several different purposes including warming themselves and preparing food. They discovered that the energy could be liberated from burning the wood. Here, starts the history of fuel. The energy-liberating material was defined as fuel, this led to the recognition that wood is a fuel, early civilizations depend on that fuel for a long time. To improve their living conditions, humans searched for new norms of sustainable energy. This exploration resulted in the invention of a wind-driven wheel that could be used to pump water from wells. Before this discovery water was pulled from wells by humans itself this led to the correlation that wind is a source of energy. The wheel was also found useful for transportation, and farming as part of the chariot that could be rotated when drawn by horse.
During the 18th Century, The most commonly used form of energy was derived from wood, water, horses, and mills The composition and structure of these materials were mysteries, and more so how the energy was liberated from them. The structure of this material was discovered by numerous scientists of the discovery in science including the discovery and understanding of molecules and atoms. The energy Liberated upon combustion and products of combustion were established during this period. During the 18th century, alcohol could be produced by the destructive distillation of Alcohol, and alcohol is used as a source of energy a realisation, that wood could be replaced by alcohol and that it could do the job much more effectively resulted in the use of alcohol as a source of energy. Coal was used as a source of energy for running steam engines. Here, in the history of fuel coal replaced wood as a source of energy.
In the 19th century Scientist synthesised hydrocarbons and determined the energy available from them. The 20th century led to the search for naturally available sources of hydrocarbon and the discovery that oil and natural gas oil and natural gas, Paved the way for their utilisation as energy sources of hydrocarbon the discovery resulting in the depletion of these naturally occurring sources by mankind is leading to the search of a viable alternative, in addition, hydrocarbon-based several energy sources are responsible for pollution in the atmosphere. The energy sources released greenhouse gases(carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxide of nitrogen, methane, fluorinated gases)
The 21st century is facing challenges with faster depletion of fossil fuel and pollution arising from their use of energy sources that are sustainable and producing negligible pollution as needed. So, we can say that history of fuel had been kept changing throughout the centuries according to our needs.
Nature teaches about Food Chain & Food Pyramid has based on a balanced approach gradual depletion of most non–renewable fuels. Renewable And Non-Renewable fuels must be used in the Balance approach.
During the 19th Century Hydrogen was experienced as an energy source, Sir William Grove demonstrated in 1839 that hydrogen and oxygen would combine to produce electricity byproduct of the reaction was water. He called the device Fuel Cell. In this method of producing electricity, no pollution is generated and its environment is friendly for transportation. It's the need of the hour in the 21st century increased use of fossil fuel has had negative effects on the environment, climate change, air pollution, water pollution, habitat destruction, ocean acidification, land and water scarcity, health impacts, economic vulnerability, aquatic and plant life. If we wish to solve this problem then we have to Gain Clean Fuel sources of energy. Hydrogen is one of the Clean and Clear Energy that we would rely on safely. Hydrogen, as a green and clean fuel, offers numerous benefits that make it an attractive solution for a sustainable energy future.
Firstly, hydrogen is a clean energy carrier that can be produced from various renewable sources, such as wind, solar, and biomass. This ensures that the hydrogen produced is environmentally friendly and free from harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Secondly, hydrogen has a high energy density, meaning it can store and deliver a significant amount of energy per unit of weight or volume. This makes it an ideal candidate for applications requiring long-duration energy storage, such as grid balancing and backup power. Additionally, hydrogen can be used as a fuel in fuel cells to produce electricity with high efficiency and without any pollution, making it a promising solution for transportation, including cars, buses, and even heavy-duty vehicles. Another advantage of hydrogen as a fuel is its quick refueling time, comparable to conventional gasoline or diesel, ensuring convenience and practicality for consumers. Furthermore, hydrogen can be utilised in various industrial processes, such as steel production and chemical manufacturing, enabling the decarbonization of these sectors. Overall, the benefits of hydrogen as a green, clean fuel are vast, paving the way for a sustainable energy transition and a greener planet.
Survival of the fittest is a fundamental law of selection whether it's a fuel, a human, or an animal. We planned when to use wood, alcohol, oil, gas, or coal and when to switch according to our needs but when the outcomes have severe health and solving problems and issues for our upcoming generation mankind needs to plan green fuel(Hydrogen) otherwise ... .We. will fail our next generation.
If you fail to plan, You Plan to fail
In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.